
Bonny B

Written by Trivedi Testimonials | Jun 6, 2022 4:00:00 AM

My cat is rather picky with her food and water. Since I got her a year ago, her primary source of water was via a dripping shower tap. I always had to orchestrate this drip otherwise she refused to drink. Since I started giving her 1/3 bowl of Trivedi Water™ mixed in with the normal filtered water, she drinks throughout the day —and from her bowl! No transition was necessary. From one day to the next she started to drink from her bowl without the “dripping ritual.” The effect is that she is now well hydrated; she is much more sociable and she will actually come to me with a purr. Also, I started to give my 11 year-old Greyhound dog ½ glass Trivedi Water™ with her normal water. She is an ex-racer and raced a lot at an early age. Her aging joints pain her and she had acquired the “senior shuffle,” which results from aging and inflamed joints. I was giving her veterinarian painkillers daily, along with some sedatives. Now, I do not give her any painkillers. That “shuffle” is gone and she walks without any sign of diseased joints.