
Cheryl C

Written by Trivedi Testimonials | Jun 6, 2022 4:00:00 AM

I’ve been thinking about how much I’ve grown in the last few months since the Healers Mastery Program. Since the March retreat I had been going through some big transformations in my health and emotions–a lot of intense, uncomfortable emotions–and a virus that lasted 2 months. When you told us the viruses stored inside our bodies may come up to be released, that resonated with me. Since then, things have been getting better and better, plateauing and then improving. I was reading my journal from May and comparing it to now (September). I’m more positive. Things aren’t bothering me so much. I find that I need less sleep and don’t feel so groggy. I’m a person who has had a lot of emotional trauma in my life. I’m very grateful to you for the help in coming home to my Divine. It’s the greatest gift you could ever give anyone. Thank you so much.