My best friend was in phase 4 of a rare, terminal cancer when I went to the June (Chicago) retreat, and I kept her in mind. Oncology testing in July showed she had no trace of cancer. Also, her passion is baking. Her father was a professional baker and taught her when she was very young. She’s never had a baking job, and I’ve been promoting it with her because it is her dream. It took many weeks for her to create me a perfect, gluten-free, blueberry muffin recipe. She brought a test batch to her oncologist’s office for taste testing and, even though they weren’t on gluten-free diets, everyone said they were spectacular. She sat next to a guy for her bone test who asked if she is a professional baker. She said, “Fat chance! No baking expert; cancer.” The man called his friend, who owns a muffin business, and gave her a high recommendation to hire her. She said there were so many coincidences that day; it had to be from a higher power. I’ve never heard her speak of coincidences or higher power.