Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Guruji Trivedi is an enlightened guru and world-renowned religious and spiritual leader. He possesses the miraculous ability to Bless and transform living organisms and non-living materials down to the cellular and atomic levels, respectively.
His ability has been measured, validated and documented with the help of the most sophisticated technologies available on this planet.
To read more, please click here.
Every person needs Life Force, Prana or Qi for their survival and optimal livelihood. This Life Force is recognized as Divine Grace by religion and spiritualism.
Divine Grace is the flow of connection between people and the God of their understanding. This is called Divine Connection.
To read more, please click here.
The Trivedi Effect® is a phenomenon that exists everywhere in the Universe in the form of Consciousness (Divine Grace) in which any Enlightened being can harness and transmit it to any recipient, either in-person or remotely, transforming the recipient for its/their greatest functioning and performance.
These recipients include people, animals, microbes, plants and trees, etc., as well as nonliving materials.
To read more, please click here.
The impact of the Trivedi Effect®️ has been tested, measured, validated and documented in over 6,000 science experiments conducted in numerous areas of science such as life sciences, materials science as well as health and wellness, leading to over 670 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals worldwide, with over 12,000 citations. Research on the Trivedi Effect is indexed in more than 2,000 universities worldwide, including prestigious institutions like Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Oxford, Cambridge, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
To read more, please click here.
When any Enlightened Being, like Guruji, prays to God to strengthen your connection with the God of your understanding, which raises your consciousness and leads to your transformation for a better quality of life.
To read more, Click Here.
Through prayer, Guruji invokes the mercy of God for the recipient, which leads to the Involution of Grace of God, also called Consciousness, and because of the increasing Consciousness people and other recipients start evolving for better performance.
To read more, Click Here.
Anyone and everyone irrespective of their religion or belief can benefit from a Blessing. This includes people seeking higher performance, calmness, deeper relationships, quality of life, youthfulness, and more, as well as people struggling and suffering in various aspects of life seeking to improve their physical, mental and emotional wellness, better their relationships, sexual satisfaction, financial growth and more. Ultimately ongoing Blessings to strengthen one's Divine Connection through enhanced involution of consciousness is the path to true happiness and ultimately bliss.
People Blessed by Guruji report feeling better, increased energy, better mental and emotional health as well as improved inspiration, enthusiasm, motivation, confidence, willpower, focus and an overall positive perception. Many people have shared their experiences of deeper relationships, professional growth and real transformation in multiple areas of their lives, even as much as realizing their life purposes and enjoying health, wealth and prosperity in their lives.
As per modern science a human is considered the union of mind and body, as per religion, a human is considered as the union of mind, body and spirit and according to spirituality, a human is considered as the union of mind, body and consciousness. Modern science is unable to find out the source of thoughts whether the human brain is harnessing the thoughts from space or generating the thoughts by itself. It is absolutely neglecting the main source which governs and regulates the mind.
Today the vast majority of people are slaves to their uncontrolled thoughts, and as a result frustrated in their lives by all means. They have mental and emotional problems, which affects their productivity, health and quality of life. Because of science's limited understanding that a human is just mind and body, it is absolutely failing to address any problem related to mental and psychological health.
Deeper Divine Connection is responsible for people to harness more and more consciousness which is able to empower the soul of resulting in the fulfilment of spiritual needs. Empowerment of the soul is responsible for calmness and delivers the ability to regulate and govern their thoughts.
The objective of spiritual growth is to have control and command on our useless and unwanted thoughts. Spiritual growth facilitates an environment that promotes calmness, which leads to financial abundance, better perception, better-quality relationships, happiness and a better quality of life.
Our logo consists of a triangle within a circle. We view the three sides of the triangle as three aspects of humanity, and the circle represents the unity and integration of these three aspects into one vital whole.
The three sides of the triangle in the logo represent science, religion and art. Science is the search and discovery of truth, religion is the immersion into truth, and art is the expression of truth. The circle in the logo represents consciousness, which is Divine Grace; the energy through which God created the universe and nature.
In the words of the legendary Albert Einstein, “Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind.”
Not only is Guruji Trivedi’s physiology unlike any other person’s physiology on this planet, but under Guruji’s unique physiological parameters, no other human can survive for even a small period of time.
Several scientists and medical doctors assume that for Guruji to harness Divine Grace/Consciousness and to transmit it anywhere on this globe, a unique physiology is required. Normal human physiology is not capable of harnessing and transmitting this very potent and powerful Divine Energy. Hence, it was hypothesized and then scientifically proven that his physiological parameters are unique.
To learn more about Guruji Trivedi’s extraordinary physiology, please click here
Every kind of healing modality has a very limited and temporary ability to benefit people and animals.
On the contrary, Divine Blessing transforms the recipient for their optimal functioning. The transformation with Divine Blessings is not an event, but rather a journey of evolution.
The ultimate goal of human life is salvation (moksha) which can be accomplished only through the ongoing evolution of consciousness. In the beginning, the Blessing improves the quality of life showing the improvement in physical health, mental health, emotional health, finances, relationships, and finally a better quality of life. However, these benefits have limitations, as most people at some point in their lives start to suffer from boredom and dissatisfaction, because till people are struggling and suffering to accomplish the fulfillment of materialistic desires they will never have satisfaction and peace. All kinds of good health and wealth have their own limitations and don’t lead to true freedom, from the slavery of their thoughts. As a result, after some time some people may perceive as if their benefits through Divine Blessings are less.
The accomplishment of materialistic wealth has no end, and that path is always full of struggle. However, the path towards accomplishment of God through the mental state of peacefulness inspires people to attain the state of Enlightenment. Upon reaching this stage of calmness in their lives, people perceive the impact of Divine Blessings as permanent. This too is an intermediate stage where this notion of permanence, in reality truly motivates and inspires them to continue their evolution on the path to Enlightenment.
Because nature is evolving every moment and that is why people also need to have ongoing evolution, on a daily basis, to accomplish calmness which also leads to true mental and emotional balance. While death is the ultimate reality for all, the ongoing Divine Blessings from an Enlightened Master are essential for achieving calmness which also leads to slowing down the aging process and maintains a good quality of life.
As people experience and enjoy true calmness in their lives, they accomplish the state where they have command on their thoughts, especially the useless and uncontrolled thoughts. This stage keeps them committed to move forward on the path to Enlightenment and this needs the ongoing evolution of consciousness till they achieve the ultimate goal, the state of Enlightenment.
For more information, Click Here
After receiving a Blessing, most people report enjoying higher quality sleep, more energy, reduced mental restlessness, better clarity, more confidence, and improved perception.
For more information, click here
Group Blessings occur both remotely and in-person, such as during group calls, webinars and live group events. During group Blessings, Guruji Trivedi is more focused on the group’s general, overall well-being.
Guruji Trivedi’s personal Blessings are more powerful and tailored to your personal issues, unique needs, and anything else that is holding you back in your journey to limitless growth and potential. Personal Blessings lead to a stronger connection with the God of your understanding, and as a result people are able to realize their strengths and weaknesses which helps them to discover their life purpose.
The difference between group Blessings and personal Blessings is that during group Blessings, Guruji prays to God to strengthen the Divine Connection for the everyone in group and during personal Blessings, Guruji prays to God to strengthen the Divine Connection for each individual.
Personal Blessings are offered remotely, without any interaction, where Guruji Trivedi focuses on your personal problems. The beneficial effects are much faster as compared to group Blessings.
With an in-person, personal Blessing, you get a chance to have a real-life connection with Guruji, which can have a huge impact on your career, family relationships and your personal connection with Guruji himself.
In terms of benefits, an in-person, personal Blessing with Guruji is the most powerful and beneficial.
Guruji Trivedi connects people to the God of their understanding, irrespective of their religious beliefs or spiritual traditions.
Guruji’s Blessings are very impactful on all people from all different backgrounds because all religions and spiritual paths are centered on the Creator (God).
Guruji doesn’t suggest any religious or spiritual practice to anyone, nor does he object to anyone’s existing faith or tradition.
Guruji Trivedi is an Enlightened Being, a religious and spiritual leader, whose role on this planet is to strengthen your connection with the God of your understanding so you can have a better quality of life.
Guruji and his Blessings are not a substitute for medical advice or prescription medication. Please continue to follow your doctor’s or medical expert’s advice and prescribed medicine.
Prosperity and happiness are not an event, but the journey of life. Everything depends on your ambitions, inspiration, enthusiasm and motivation to enjoy the beauty of life. In our daily lives, whether we are struggling or thriving, it is essential to breathe, eat and drink.
The transformation with Divine Blessings is also not an event, but a journey of evolution of consciousness. A human is mind, body, and consciousness, where the body is governed by the mind and the mind is governed by invisible, non-tangible consciousness, which has the property to evolve with the matter of time. For the evolution of consciousness, we need ongoing mercy of God in the form of consciousness. Ongoing mercy of God can only be accomplished with Blessings from an Enlightened Being like Guruji Trivedi, which is responsible for your maturity, growth, prosperity, happiness and a better quality of life.
Click here to go to our Blessing Memberships page to view all the options. There you can register and pay to receive Blessings for yourself or your loved ones. You can contact member services if you have any questions at and +1 833-944-1200
Everything in people’s life comes with the Grace of God. You can carry on with your routine, day-to-day life. There is nothing special or different that you need to do to make the Blessings more effective. The beneficial effects of the Blessings are directly proportional to the levels of your purity and innocence which leads to the transformation of your characters. As a result, your conduct in life will be full of morality and ethics, freeing you from ego which will strengthen your connection with the God of your understanding. We don’t recommend, nor do we condone, any type of prayer, ritual, practice, meditation or yoga, etc
We recommend that you be in a quiet and isolated place, if possible. You can either sit or lay down with your eyes closed, and pray to the God of your understanding for your growth.
The basic objective of the Blessing is to connect you to the God of your understanding so that your soul can be empowered.
The transformation with Divine Blessings is not an event, but a journey of evolution of consciousness. Everyone’s journey is different, however, better quality of sleep, more energy and reduced mental restlessness are the signs that you are experiencing growth.
For continued growth, keep patience because patience is the significance of trust in the God of your understanding.
You can expect a purging or release of emotions. A majority of people, especially women, start crying without reason, or feel emotional and seek self-isolation without any desire for social interaction.
When this purging is complete, it is common to feel light, relaxed and empowered with more courage, confidence, willpower, motivation, inspiration, enthusiasm and ambition, etc.
Blessing recipients enjoy quality sleep on a daily basis, irrespective of the number of hours they sleep. Most people report experiencing deeper, peaceful and more restful sleep. They wake up feeling refreshed and in a good mood, filled with enthusiasm, inspiration and motivation.
Everyone who believes in God, or a supernatural power, or any system or energy that is operating, controlling and regulating the entire Universe or even atheists are fully capable of enjoying all the beneficial effects of the Divine Blessing from Guruji Trivedi. Hence, since 1995, people from any religion, race, gender, age, creed or caste are benefiting from Guruji’s Blessings.
This is not a trick or technique that can be learned or taught through education, ritual, dogma or long-term practices. This is absolutely a gift from God (the Divine), and every person is entitled to this gift.
However, you must raise your consciousness to become a super-conductor for Divine Grace. Only then can you be gifted by the God of your understanding to transform everything on this planet.
The ultimate goal of human life is Enlightenment (salvation/moksha) which can be accomplished only through the ongoing evolution of consciousness. For the ongoing evolution of consciousness, we need ongoing mercy of God, which can only be accomplished with Blessings from an Enlightened Being like Guruji Trivedi.
Consciousness is the expression of the spirit/soul. It is the conductivity of a person; their ability to harness Divine Grace and nature’s wealth. Divine Grace integrates with the existing wealth in our brains like our memories, emotions, beliefs, imagination, perception, thoughts, ideas, experiences, databank, environment and resources, and thus decides our wellness, wealth, success, frustration, happiness and state of mind.
In the material world, every material has varying levels of conductivity. This conductivity allows the material to harness, at varying degrees, different kinds of energy. For heat energy it is called thermal conductivity, for electrical energy it is called electric conductivity, for magnetic energy it is called magnetic conductivity, and for light it is called optical conductivity. Based on their levels of conductivity, materials are separated into the following categories: super conductors, good conductors, semi-conductors and bad conductors.
Similarly, in life sciences, every living organism has the gift or ability to harness a particular type of wealth, or “energy,” from nature. Due to this, all fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and herbal plants absorb different types of vitamins, minerals, proteins and nutrients from nature and at varying degrees. As a result, their importance to human life and their value in the market reflect their different levels and types of conductivity. The absorption ability of every living organism including humans, animals, microbes, plants and trees is called bioavailability. Based on an organism’s bioavailability, the organism absorbs different types and quantities of wealth from nature. Hence, the bioavailability of a living organism decides its market value and importance in life. Whatever be the role of conductivity in non-living materials, the concept of bioavailability is also applicable with its own relevant importance.
Humans also differ from each other in terms of their abilities to harness nature’s wealth, or Divine Grace. Hence, there are very few enlightened beings and a very small number of people who are highly gifted and capable of using these gifts for the benefit of humanity. A large number of people are barely surviving daily life, and a large portion of these people are dependent upon the government and society.
Higher consciousness means a person has a greater ability to harness more Divine Grace, in the form of Blessing, and thus improve their pleasure and efficiency so as to best utilize their gifts for society.
People with higher consciousness possess good characters like honesty, loyalty, sympathy, compassion, emotions, caring, sacrifice and love, etc. These people are mostly successful and are very satisfied in every area of their lives.
People with low consciousness possess bad characters such as dishonesty, betrayal, conspiracy, disloyalty, selfishness, hostility, manipulation, a lack of caring and hatred, etc. These people are highly frustrated in almost every area of their lives, including their occupations and relationships.
Divine Connection means the depth of your relationship with the God of your understanding.
The Trivedi Effect® is a phenomenon that can strengthen your Divine Connection with the God of your understanding.
The world is spending trillions of dollars for the research and maintenance of emotional and mental health problems.
Unfortunately, this has provided very little relief for billions of sufferers. Divine Connection is one of the best alternative models available to not only relieve us from our mental and emotional pain and suffering, but to also bring forth an incredible wealth of peace, bliss, enthusiasm, motivation and inspiration for a happy life.
Although your problems may be unique to you, the solution, a deeper Divine Connection, is universal. More than 300,000 people worldwide have experienced the miraculous results of Guruji Trivedi’s Blessings. They come from all parts of the world and all walks of life.
More than 300,000 people worldwide have received these Divine Blessings and have reported benefits through improvement in the areas of overall wellness, sexual pleasure, emotional satisfaction, finances, better relationships, happiness and finally a much better quality of life. Each individual benefits differently and in accordance with their unique needs and circumstances.
All types of benefits and transformations in your life and destiny are based on your personal or individual connection with the God of your understanding. Guruji Trivedi’s role is to connect you with the God of your understanding. The rest of the outcome depends on that relationship; the mercy of God in your life. For reference, you can take a look at the testimonials and learn about the unprecedented clinical trial results from these Divine Blessings.
Every membership is for your growth and better quality of life. Based on your expectations and unique needs, you can choose the membership program that’s right for you.
For optimal results, our recommendation is to always to go for the highest level of membership.

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Southlake, TX 76092