In the International Media

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Television Appearances
February 21, 2019
We had a chance to speak with Dahryn Trivedi from the Trivedi Effect
Dahryn discusses the importance of cell receptors in the body, explaining that they are responsible for absorbing nutrients from the blood. Despite many people having all essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and hormones within a normal range in their blood tests, they still feel unhealthy because their cell receptors may not be functioning properly or absorbing the correct nutrition.
February 18, 2019
CELL RECEPTORS: What You Don’t Know Can Lead to Poor Health
Dahryn discusses how over 97% of Americans are considered unhealthy and 50% have a chronic illness. She explains that many people who feel unwell have normal blood test results because the tests do not show the functioning of cell receptors, which absorb nutrients from the blood. If these receptors are not functioning properly, people can still feel unwell despite having all essential nutrients in their blood.
February 28, 2019
Dahryn Trivedi Explains the Research Done Related to Cell Receptors
Dahryn shares her research on cell receptors and their role in health. She explains that cell receptors are how cells absorb nutrients from the blood, with specific receptors for each nutrient. However, if these receptors are not functioning properly, the cells may not absorb the necessary nutrients, leading to health issues despite a healthy blood report.
March 5, 2019
Dahryn Trivedi on ABC Tampa, Florida, USA
Dahryn explains that even if all necessary nutrients are present in the blood, they are useless if not absorbed and utilized by the cells. This is where cell receptors come in, acting as binding proteins to absorb nutrients into the cells. She emphasizes the importance of Vitamin D and how their research has found ways to improve the efficiency of the Vitamin D receptors.
October 10, 2017
Alice Branton: Vitamin D Deficiency Myths on ABC in Tucson, USA
Alice discusses the importance of Vitamin D3 in the body and the health risks associated with its deficiency. She mentions that the most natural way to get Vitamin D is from the sun, but research shows that humanity is losing this ability. She also states that supplements and fortified foods are not sufficient sources of Vitamin D.
October 12, 2017
International best-selling author Alice Branton busts vitamin-D myths
Alice discusses the importance of Vitamin D for overall health, stating that it is vital for the functioning of the brain, bones, and other vital organs. She also mentions that Vitamin D deficiency is a global pandemic, with a majority of people unable to absorb sufficient Vitamin D from the sun or food. Alice debunks the myth that supplements can effectively combat this deficiency, stating that they are not bioavailable and thus cannot be absorbed by the body. She suggests the Trivedi Effect® as a solution for Vitamin D.
October 19, 2017
Alice from Trivedi Global talks about why vitamins are crucial for a healthy life
Alice Branton explains that Vitamin D is critical for the functioning of every cell in the body and compares it to the electricity that powers a house. Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency can include poor immunity, lack of energy, bone pain, and even correlations to diabetes and cancer. Brayton notes that despite the ability to get Vitamin D from the sun, studies show a high percentage of people worldwide are deficient, possibly due to a decreased ability to convert sunlight to Vitamin D. She dispels the myth that Vitamin D is only for bone health and states that supplements often aren't bioavailable.
October 20, 2017
Alice Branton Shares Vitamin D Myth on NBC in Tampa, Florida, USA
Alice explains that Vitamin D is critical for immunity, cardiac health, and cognitive health, and a deficiency can lead to various health issues including cancer, Alzheimer's, and autism. Despite being known as the sunshine vitamin, Alice states that simply being in the sun is not enough to maintain adequate Vitamin D levels, as many people are unable to effectively convert sunlight into Vitamin D. She also debunks the myth that taking a supplement or consuming Vitamin D-rich foods is sufficient, as most nutraceuticals are not bioavailable and only small amounts of Vitamin D are found in food and emphasizes the need for bioavailable sources of Vitamin D.
October 24, 2017
Alice Branton: Vitamin D3 Deficiency On ABC in Sarasota, Florida, USA
Alice explains that despite living in sunny areas, many people worldwide are deficient in vitamin D, a nutrient crucial for cell-to-cell communication in the body. She mentions that 75% of Americans, regardless of where they live, are vitamin D deficient. Studies have also shown that 100% of people in the Middle East and 95% of Indian women who spend most of their time outside are deficient in vitamin D. Alice emphasizes that vitamin D is not just for bones and is needed throughout one's life. It affects brain cognition, cardiac health, and more.
October 27, 2017
Alice Branton from the "Trivedi Effect" talks about how to get our daily Vitamins
Alice Branton explains that Vitamin D is critical for overall health, not just for strong bones as commonly believed. It is needed for all other vitamins to work properly and is compared to the electricity that powers a home. A deficiency in Vitamin D can lead to various health issues including cancer, inflammation, stress, hormonal imbalance, and immune disorders. She also debunks the myth that Vitamin D is only needed for bone health and growth, stating that it is needed for every cell in the body. She says that most supplements are not bioavailable and that Vitamin D is present in very small amounts in food. Drinking milk alone is not sufficient to meet the body's Vitamin D needs.
October 30, 2017
In the Know: The Trivedi Effect on Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to numerous health problems such as cancer, inflammation, stress, poor immunity, hormonal imbalance, accelerated aging, cognitive dysfunction, and more. Despite the body's ability to synthesize Vitamin D3 from sun exposure, fortified foods, and supplements, over 60% of the population in the USA, Canada, and Europe suffer from Vitamin D deficiency due to poor bioavailability.
December 1, 2017
Alice Branton Interviewed on CBS Augusta, Georgia, USA
Alice discusses the importance of Vitamin D, stating that it is a critical nutrient needed in every cell of our body. She compares it to electricity that powers our home. She mentions that a deficiency in Vitamin D can lead to weight gain, tiredness, digestive issues, and in the long term, serious health problems like cancer, autoimmune disorders, and cardiac problems.
November 30, 2017
Alice Branton Interviewed on ABC Tampa, Florida, USA
Alice discusses the impact of stress during the holiday season and how to manage it. She cites a health mind study that reveals 60% of Americans are stressed and 45% want to skip the holidays altogether. She suggests that vitamin D can help manage stress during this period. She explains that stress hormones reduce our ability to use vitamin D, but taking supplements and eating vitamin D rich foods can replenish it in our bodies, supporting our health and boosting our immunity. Alice also emphasizes the importance of maintaining healthy habits, getting enough sleep, and enjoying time with loved ones.
December 20, 2017
Alice Branton Interviewed on ABC Augusta, Georgia, USA by Jennie Montgomery
Alice discusses the global issue of Vitamin D deficiency and her research into what she calls the "Vitamin D3 myth". She explains that Vitamin D is essential for the body, likening it to electricity that powers a home. She mentions that every cell in our body has a Vitamin D receptor, particularly concentrated in the brain, bones, and gut. She also discusses the correlation between Vitamin D deficiency and various health issues, including cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and cardiac problems.
December 4, 2017
Alice Branton Interviewed on ABC Tampa, Florida, USA
Alice discusses the importance of gut health and the role of the microbiome, which is the collection of good and bad bacteria in our bodies. She explains that 80 to 90 percent of our immune system is in our gut and that diet, environment, and antibiotic use can affect this delicate ecosystem. If the ratio of good to bad bacteria is off, it can lead to various health issues, including digestive problems, skin issues, insomnia, mood swings, and cravings. She recommends eating prebiotic and probiotic foods, such as asparagus, bananas, onions, garlic, kimchi, sauerkraut, and yogurt, to maintain a healthy gut. She also emphasizes the importance of vitamin D, which she describes as the "super vitamin" that is critical for the functioning of everything in our body. Brayton suggests that people experiencing gut-related issues should get their vitamin D levels checked and consider getting their microbiome tested.
December 8, 2017
Trivedi Global: Vitamin D Is What You're Missing
Alice Branton explains the importance of gut health in regulating overall health. She discusses the microbiome, which is the good and bad bacteria in the gut, and how an imbalance can lead to various issues such as sugar cravings, insomnia, skin issues, mood issues, and even autoimmune disorders. She also mentions that everyone's gut has a unique "fingerprint" that can be affected by diet and environment. Branton suggests that maintaining a healthy level of vitamin D can help regulate the balance of bacteria in the gut.
December 8, 2017
The Key to Dealing with Holiday Stress
Alice Branton discusses the stress that many Americans experience during the holiday season, with an NBC News survey reporting that 45% of Americans would prefer to skip Christmas due to the stress. She suggests that maintaining a healthy lifestyle and ensuring adequate intake of Vitamin D can help manage this stress. She explains that Vitamin D is essential for every cell in the body and that stress can block its absorption.
December 20, 2017
Alice Branton Interviewed on NBC West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
80-90 percent of the immunity lies in our gut. Make sure you have enough Vitamin D. Scientific Research has shown has that Vitamin D makes healthy balance in maintaining gut bacteria and it has a positive influence on any kind of gastrointestinal disorders.
December 23, 2017
Alice Branton Interviewed on NBC Roanoke, Virginia, USA
Alice discusses the importance of Vitamin D. She states that over 70% of Americans suffer from Vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to cancer, poor immunity, hormonal imbalances, and more. She compares Vitamin D to the electricity that powers a home, stating that it is needed for more than just strong bones. She also mentions studies from Harvard that link Vitamin D deficiency to cancer and cardiac problems.
December 19, 2017
Alice Branton Interviewed on ABC Tampa, Florida, USA
Alice discusses her personal experience with a thyroid disorder and how it led her to study optimal health and wellness. She emphasizes the importance of the thyroid gland in the body's endocrine system and how its malfunction can lead to various health issues. She also highlights the role of vitamin D in supporting the thyroid and potentially alleviating autoimmune disorders.
January 8, 2018
The Key to Optimal Thyroid Function
“The most important thing you need for optimal thyroid functioning is to make sure you get adequate amount of Vitamin D.” Alice Branton’s personal journey with a thyroid disorder led her to devote her life to finding solutions for optimal wellness.
News Articles
April 13, 2017
इटावा में विदेशियों ने देखे खेत-खलिहान और चलाया हल
अमेरिका और रूस समेत आधा दर्जन देशों से इटावा आए सैलानियों के लिए यह कभी न भूलने वाले पल रहेंगे। भारत की मिट्टी की सोंधी महक से वह ऐसे अभिभूत हुए मानो वो वर्षों से यहां के परिवेश में रहे-ढले हों। आसमान से बरसती आग के बीच किसानों को खेती करते देख मन में उत्सुकता जगी और वे खुद को रोक नहीं सके। बैलों की कमान अपने हाथ में ली और खेतों की जुताई में जुट गए। सुलगते अंगारों के बीच भट्ठों पर जाकर ईंटें बनाने के तरीके देखे। गांव की पाठशालाओं में जाकर बच्चों का मनोबल बढ़ाया और उनसे देश की संस्कृति पर चर्चा की।
April 14, 2017
विदेशी अनुयायियों के साथ देखा ग्रामीण परिवेश
अमेरिका के आध्यात्मिक गुरु महेंद्र त्रिवेदी के नेतृत्व में उनके 72 विदेशी अनुयायी निर्धारित कार्यक्रम के तहत गुरुवार को मोढ़ी स्थित एक ईंट भट्टा पर पहुंचे और ईंट निर्माण की प्रक्रिया समझने के साथ उससे जुड़े कारीगरों और मजदूरों के साथ अनुभव साझा किए। उन्होंने यहां के ग्रामीण और सामाजिक जीवन का भी हाल जाना। यह भी जानना चाहा कि भरपूर साधन संपन्नता होने के बावजूद भी अमेरिकी लोग भारत के ग्रामीणों की तुलना में क्यों अधिक बीमार व निराशा भरा जीवन जीते हैं।
April 15, 2017
विदेश से आये लोगों ने जाना कैसी की जाती है खेती
अमेरिका से आए लोगों ने खेत में हल चलाकर देखा कि कैसे खेत में अनाज उगाया जाता है तो ईंट भट्टे पर ईंट भी बनायी। ईंट बनाने की प्रक्रिया को समझने के साथ उससे जुड़े कारीगरों और मजदूरों के साथ अनुभव साझा किया।
April 15, 2017
पढ़िये अमेरिका यूरोपियन देशों से आ रही 52 सदिस्यीय दल की टीम नीमच, स्थानीय लोगों से करेंगे चर्चा
आध्यात्मिक गुरु महेंद्र त्रिवेदी के सानिध्य मे अमेरिका की त्रिवेदी इफ़ेक्ट संस्था से संबंध ५२ अमेरिका-यूरोपीयन देशों का ५२ सदस्यीय दल अपने दो दिवसीय दौरे पर १६ अप्रैल को नीमच आ रहे जिसे लेकर तैयारिया भी जोरो पर है।
April 17, 2017
आध्यात्मिक यात्रा पर नीमच पहुंचा 52 सदस्यीय विदेशी दल
आध्यात्मिक यात्रा पर रविवार को अमेरिका और यूरोपियन का 52 सदस्यीय दल नीमच पहुंचा। आध्यात्मिक गुरु महेंद्र कुमार त्रिवेदी के सानिध्य में दल 8 से 20 अप्रैल तक देश की सांस्कृतिक और धार्मिक संस्कृति को नजदीक से जानने के लिए भ्रमण कर रहा है। दल में शामिल त्रिवेदी ग्लोबल इंक अमेरिका कंपनी की सीईओ एलिस ब्रैंटन ने बताया दल में 34 महिला सदस्य भी शामिल हैं।
April 14, 2017
कई देशों से भारत देखने आये सैलानी, गांव में घूमे, खेतों में चलाया हल
अमेरिका, फ़िनलैंड, ऑस्ट्रेलिया और इंग्लैंड समेत कई देशों से सैलानी इटावा में आए हुए हैं। जहां उन्होंने कई गावों में भ्रमण करके यहां के रहन-सहन को देखा और समझा। विदेशी मेहमानों ने ईंट भट्ठों पर जाकर ईंट निर्माण को देखा। इसके साथ ही उन्होंने हवन मैं भी हिस्सेदारी ली।
April 18, 2017
अमेरिका और योरपीय देशों का 52 सदस्यीय दल आया
आध्यात्मिक गुरु महेंद्र कुमार त्रिवेदी के सानिध्य में अमेरिका और यूरोपीय देशों का ५२ सदस्यीय दल भारत देश की सांस्कृतिक और धार्मिक संस्कृति को नज़दीक से जानने आये।
April 18, 2017
नायक की प्रतिभा के कारण ही हज़ारों किमी दूर से नीमच आये
शाम 5 बजे दल के सभी विदेशी सदस्य शिक्षक कॉलोनी निवासी सरला सहारिया के निवास पर पहुंचे। इस स्थान पर आध्यात्मिक गुरु महेंद्र कुमार त्रिवेदी ने 10 साल रहकर आराधना की थी। दल के सभी सदस्यों ने उस स्थान को देखने की इच्छा जाहिर की। इसी के चलते 52 सदस्यीय दल सोमवार शाम शिक्षक कॉलोनी पहुंचा। यहां दल के सदस्यों ने सरला सहारिया का पुष्पमाला पहनाकर आत्मीय स्वागत भी किया।
April 14, 2017
विदेशी सैलानियों ने किसानों के साथ खेतों में चलाया हल
विदेशी सैलानियों ने किसानों के साथ खेतों में चलाया हल। विदेशी मेहमान यही पर नहीं रुके, घूमते हुए वे इटावा के इट-भट्टों पर भी पहुंचे और भट्टों पर काम करने वाले लोगो के साथ कुछ ईटें भी बनाई। तो वही कुछ विदेशी सैलानी मंदिर में जाकर भगवान के दर्शन किए और हवन में हिस्सा लिया।
November 1, 2011
अमेरिका को सीखा रहे अध्यात्म का विज्ञान
अमेरिका, ऑस्ट्रेलिया में इस ब्लेसिंग कि जरिए जो लोग रूबरू हुए है वे इसे एक अद्भुत चमत्कार मानते है।

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Speaking Engagements
December 30, 2018
Dahryn Trivedi speaks on the Impact of the Trivedi Effect on Vitamin D3 Receptors at Nasdaq
Dahryn Trivedi speaking at NASDAQ in New York City about the wealth of health and Vitamin D research related to human cell receptors.
April 5, 2023
Consciousness – The Final Frontier for Health and Wellbeing by Dahryn Trivedi, Co-Founder, Divine Connection
Dahryn discusses the importance of mental health and the role of the soul in human life. She states that mental health is a serious issue, with over 1 billion people on medication and billions more on the borderline. Dahryn suggests that the increasing number of mental health problems indicates a misunderstanding of human nature. Dahryn criticizes the wellness industry for not addressing the root cause of mental health issues and potentially contributing to them. She proposes that to truly address mental health, we need to understand and empower the soul, which he believes is the driving force behind human life. She finally presents research showing that Divine Blessings can have a significant impact on various health parameters, suggesting that empowering the soul can improve mental health and overall well-being.
October 13, 2017
Alice Branton speaks at Harvard on Vitamin D's Critical Role for Optimal Health & Wellness
“Your health is your true wealth. If you have your health then you can create anything. You can create that new business venture that you want to do and you are available to your family to be the best parent and spouse you can be,” Alice Branton said at Harvard, USA.
December 4, 2017
Alice Branton speaks at Nasdaq, New York, USA
Alice Branton discusses the growing issue of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, or "super bugs," and the lack of effective solutions. She criticizes the pharmaceutical industry's approach of re-engineering existing antibiotics, which she claims are becoming increasingly toxic and difficult to eliminate from our systems. Instead, she advocates for boosting human immunity, particularly through addressing widespread vitamin D deficiency.

About Divine Connection

Divine Connection transforms every facet of an individual's well-being, enhances perception, and accelerates growth to harness true happiness. 

Divine Connection Visionaries

Guruji Trivedi

Guruji Mahendra Kumar Trivedi is an enlightened and miraculous being with Divine Embodiment, gifted to transform living organisms at the genetic level & 
non-living materials at the atomic level.
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Dahryn Trivedi

Dahryn Trivedi is an American-born enlightened spiritual leader, inspiring international speaker, and co-founder of Divine Connection, offering an unprecedented, scientifically proven life-changing solution for personal development to bring success, health, wealth, happiness, and a better quality of life.
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Alice Branton

Alice Branton is a dynamic leader, distinguished executive, galvanizing speaker and disruptive entrepreneur. Alice is on a mission to champion the breakthrough science of Life Force Energy and its applications in pharmaceutical and nutraceuticals product research to usher in a new era of human health and wellness.

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