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Divine Connection in the Media

May 1, 2009
United States
Defying science for taking it to higher level

Guruji surrounded by his associates and disciples. L-R Anil Rana, Yogi Bhardwaj, Paras
Patel, Tasia Kalemis, Dr Srikant Patil, two associates and Shirish Shettigar






CHICAGO: It was two thousands and five hundred years ago that a Prince from Nepal, Gautam, roamed India meditating and meeting enlightened saints and seers for his own enlightenment.

One night sitting under a Banyan tree in Gaya, Bihar, he experienced enlightenment of his spirit and he was Awake- Buddha. He then embarked on a journey across the country to share his new found knowledge or awakening.

Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, born in a middle class Brahmin family in Madhya Pradesh, did not practice mediation nor did he roam around the country for enlightenment. Mechanical engineer by profession he had a scientific bent of mind and was a voracious reader.

A questioning mind and deep thinking brought in its wake disenchantment to his surroundings and profession. He was seeking the meaning behind the routine life. One night he suddenly woke up and realization dawned upon him that he was Awake too - bestowed with some extraordinary power, Energy, which he can use for the good of humanity.

He did not believe it but next few days he sought the help of his friends and family members testing if this “Energy" worked. And lo, it did! It was a sort of curative process or healing or re-charging the body cells. This was the start and then he proceeded to see if it worked on other living organisms and even inanimate objects. To the utter surprise of all, including himself, the blessing- the Passing of Energy - did work wonders. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi now became Guruji not only for the outside world but even to his own family members, parents including.

His transformation was so overwhelming that he became an individual who defied laws of human physiology and cannons of science as they are
understood today. This is not a make believe phenomenon as people who received his blessings or those who witnessed the blessings of other living organism and objects have recorded their experiences or the experiments conducted at his behest.

This has been investigated and documented by eminent practitioners of standing in their fields with the most sophisticated technology available in Canada, Australia and India.

Explaining the transformation of his physical and intellectual faculties from most human to uncommonly super-human he said that the world was entering a new era in terms of energy dimensions, which is altering the very core of energy paradigms.

This altered energy will develop the level of human consciousness and the very environment of the planet. “This power,” he said endowed him with an extraordinary ability to play a “major role” for the people of his destiny, who are waiting for someone who can affect changes in the lives of living and non-living objects through thought intervention and facilitate connecting them to God. “This connectivity will be possible by raising the consciousness of these people,” he said.

As instructed by the Divine power he began a global journey to connect with the people of his destiny. This took him to various countries in all six continents. Thousands of people in several countries suffering from physical, neurological, spiritual and emotional disorders claim that Guruji has transformed them and cured their maladies by thought intervention/physical touch.

The effects of his energy on a large number of samples drawn from humans, plants, micro-organisms, and even from the non-living such as metals, ceramics, polymers, and, organic and inorganic compounds after analysis showed significance improvement way beyond the comprehension and knowledge of present sciences.

Through Guruji’s thought intervention/ physical touch, the genetics in microbes and plants have been altered up to 79% and 69% respectively. The blessed cancer cell lines within a period of ten days were converted into non cancerous cells indicating reverse mutation. Experiments in material sciences proved that Guruji’s energy has altered the distance between the atoms, energy between the atoms and energy within the atom.

The results lead to an impossible conclusion the matter can be changed into energy and energy into matter through reprogramming the atom. As opposed to treating the symptoms of disease, as in the allopathic model of medicine, the Divine energy transforms the entire health profile of the subject.

For Guru Ji a detailed medical evaluation made on his anatomy and physiology using modern powerful tools of science by accredited laboratories in Australia revealed highly unusual finding that he defies all the laws of human physiology, as under his unique physiological parameters no other human can survive even for few minutes.

After Guruji’s blessings, an individual may experience following either one or more symptoms due to the initiation of the transformation or healing process of one’s health. All these symptoms last for a temporary period of 1 to 2 weeks. One may need complete rest during the transformation process as many hormonal changes take place within your body. Aches and discomfort throughout the body may be experienced with no observable cause. Many people feel as though they are going crazy.

This is because this energy has its impact on your endocrine system which secretes various hormones which in turn regulates your whole body. For example, in women menstrual cycle disorder would regularize / disappear as they go through hormonal changes. Individuals may cry without any reason because crying does release hormones as it is a part of cleansing process. An individual may become intuitive.

Some people may experience temporary symptoms like high temperatures, sweating, aching bones and joints, migraine headaches - severe pain that is not relieved with painkillers. occasional diarrhea, heart palpitations etc. A change in the face is often the first sign that the Energy emitted through Guruji has started working. The skin is glowing, the eyes are brighter and in few cases sparkling. Sadness or fatigue seems to lift.

The person feels improved physical and mental fitness with complete absence of mental, emotional and sentimental problems. Most importantly, they feel spiritually connected. They feel positive, hopeful. The next physical reaction tends to be differences in energy levels and in sleep. Sleep is often very deep and satisfying and there is a general increase in energy, which continues to increase.

On a physical level, people report that their pain is reduced or gone. Physical signs of healing such as discomfort in the neck, lower back, heat, dizziness, temporary pain and a feeling of disorientation could be observed. Medications are reduced, clearing of skin problems, rapid growth of hair and nails are

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