Early Registration Bonus - Sign up by Midnight EST on September 20th to receive your early bonus!
Guruji BDay- Hero

Guruji's Divine Invitation

Experience the transformative power of sacred prayer during the Special Prayers event. Inspired by the mystical energy of Navratri, these prayers open a window to Divine Grace, offering an unprecedented opportunity for spiritual growth and elevation.

Navratri, meaning "nine nights" in Sanskrit, is a sacred Hindu festival that symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and is dedicated to honoring the Divine.

Fall - About Special Prayers
Fire Ceremony - Why Join

Why Join Special

During this auspicious time, Guruji and Dahryn offer the opportunity for you to receive their Blessings. Blessings during this time grace us with profound and elevating shifts of development, boosting our destiny and leading us to greater well-being and happiness in all areas of our lives.

Don't miss this opportunity to harness the potent energy of Navratri and experience the Blessings of Special Prayers. Join Special Prayers and embark on a journey of spiritual growth and elevation.



Early Registration Bonus

Receive an Extended Period of Special Prayers

Daily Group Blessings from Guruji and Dahryn for 6 nights from September 27th through October 2nd when you register for any Special Prayers package on or before Midnight EST on September 20th, 2024.
Join the Divine Connection community to transform your life and contribute to a global shift toward greater consciousness and enlightenment.
Engage in events, membership programs, and explore the scientific research supporting this mission. Be part of this extraordinary experience.

October 3rd through October 11th, 2024
Register for Fall Special Prayers

You can choose your package below. This event is remote participation only. There is nothing more you need to do to receive the benefits. We encourage you to sit in a quiet prayer or reflection each night to deepen your experience and enhance your growth.

18 Blessings - 9 each with Guruji and Dahryn
  • 1 Blessing each night from Guruji and Dahryn
9 Blessings with Guruji
  • 1 Blessing each night from Guruji
9 Blessings with Dahryn
  • 1 Blessing each night from Dahryn

Guruji & Dahryn offer single Blessings also so that everyone has a better opportunity to participate in this powerful experience. This event is remote participation only. There is nothing more you need to do after registering to receive the benefits.

1 Blessing with Guruji
1 Blessing with Dahryn

Our Guarantee

If you decide the Divine Connection event is no longer for you, you can cancel your registration.


What Our Members Say

Linda S.
FROM: United States
Carola S.
FROM: Finland
Eric B.
FROM: United States
Gabriel E.
FROM: United States
Karen S.
FROM: United States
Joseph F.
FROM: United States
Dimitri - Gratitude
I have so many things to be grateful for, number one that you are in my life. My patience, awareness, alertness, intuition, clarity, keeping the idiots out of my environment, the ones I work with I know are not going to be around me forever, they are helping me with an ultimate outcome in the near future. I feel strong and more youthful all the time. We are getting bombarded with new employees applying for jobs this year.. where everyone else is struggling we are thriving. A true BLESSING.
My Beloved GURUJI, I am truly Grateful for the opportunity Gift you have Blessed Geneva and I with, to join in on your sacred Fire Ceremonies, be in your daily blessings, thoughts and prayers. Your Gracious GIFTS are boosting our fate and fortune at Accelerated speeds. Geneva has changed her friends, her awareness is elevated, creativity, confidence, personal and physical growth. Our relationship is strong. I have so many things to be grateful for, number one that you are in my life. My patience, awareness, alertness, intuition, clarity, keeping the idiots out of my environment, the ones I work with I know are not going to be around me forever, they are helping me with an ultimate outcome in the near future. I feel strong and more youthful all the time. We are getting bombarded with new employees applying for jobs this year.. where everyone else is struggling we are thriving. A true BLESSING. My Beloved GURUJI I am forever grateful for you in our lives. I worship the Almighty God and Powerful Divine everyday and Grateful they have allowed me to be in your presence and under your care. How so very fortunate I am. Forever at your feet, your devoted follower With deep emotions, Dimitrius
Dimitri A.
FROM: United States
April 22, 2023 Webcast
For the past 13 years I've been blessed to witness the incredible transformation of both Master Dahryn & Alice. There's a saying, the proof is in the pudding and Master Dahryn and Alice are the undeniable truth of what the Divine Blessings have the ability to do. Both of them radiate an otherworldly beauty that radiates from the inside, out. Every time I see Alice, she looks younger than before and Dahryn, as a powerful conduit of Divine Energy, has been gifted with this unique ability to share with us the Divine wisdom necessary for our growth. The medical proof of Alice's skeletal structure healing since working so closely with you is indisputable.
Pranam Guruji: For the past 13 years I've been blessed to witness the incredible transformation of both Master Dahryn & Alice. There's a saying, the proof is in the pudding and Master Dahryn and Alice are the undeniable truth of what the Divine Blessings have the ability to do. Both of them radiate an otherworldly beauty that radiates from the inside, out. Every time I see Alice, she looks younger than before and Dahryn, as a powerful conduit of Divine Energy, has been gifted with this unique ability to share with us the Divine wisdom necessary for our growth. The medical proof of Alice's skeletal structure healing since working so closely with you is indisputable. Guruji, I am eternally grateful for the blessings both Dale and I have received. Our lives have undergone numerous transformations however, since the most recent Special Prayers, these blessings have been more powerful than ever. Our interaction with each other has undergone a huge, positive change we can only attribute to you and your gift of connecting us to the God of our Understanding. How very blessed we are to have listened when the Divine God led us to you. The honor to witness the incredible science you have accomplished, proving to the world, that God exists. By raising our consciousness thru a deeper connection to God, we have experience better health and wellbeing. The truth you share has changed our lives forever. I can not imagine a life without you in it. Today was the first time Dale sat through one of your webinars since his stroke. I am so very grateful for today's webcast and all you do and continue to do for us and for the benefit of humanity. Love, gratitude & respect, Donna A.
Donna A.
FROM: United States
A Sincerest Thank You! & update!
It isn't about me, but is an essence of Being so much more expanded than before When you feel it, you want to share it with everyone, in a very connected subtle way. Life has become even more of a gift of giving and receiving in a deeper and meaningful manner. I have spent my whole life earnestly trying to move toward this state of mind. I knew in the first five minutes of listening to you online, 13 years ago, Master Guruji, that you were the one that had the answers to my mystifying questions! You do not disappoint! Thank you so much for encouraging me always, and for accepting me in your new program. It is so very powerful and life changing, Your wisdom of taking us through all the steps and making such enormous strides through this evolutionary time is remarkable! Eternal Gratitude!
Dearest Master Guruji, Master Dahryn, Master Alice, Victoria & VB! Thank you so very much for the thoughtful gift of the beautiful flowers & wishes you sent me for my Birthday. You plant a garden in my heart; a heart constantly nurtured with Blessings, Fire Ceremonies, Special Prayers, Webcasts and Good Wishes. The flowers grace my home with that special Essence so strongly felt! We all feel that we are on the receiving end of being the most fortunate individuals on the planet. My prayer is to continue to grow and flourish, on the Path to Enlightenment. Thank you every moment for helping me, on this only path to true happiness. You are ALL Beloved by so Many! It is with joy that I feel a much, much deeper connection with the Divine Presence. It is easier to be in a state of constant realization of that Presence, moment to moment. There is a calmness & depth that keeps one centered in a homeostatic state of balance. I smile when a task is completed so much more quickly and efficiently, than ever before. This has all been felt time and time again, but the gift is learning to live in that state within, 24/7; bringing it with you as a walking, talking prayer of Beingness! You all have spoken and taught us so well, but it does take patience to really become it. I had to get out of my own way to let it happen. It isn't about me, but is an essence of Being so much more expanded than before When you feel it, you want to share it with everyone, in a very connected subtle way. Life has become even more of a gift of giving and receiving in a deeper and meaningful manner. I have spent my whole life earnestly trying to move toward this state of mind. I knew in the first five minutes of listening to you online, 13 years ago, Master Guruji, that you were the one that had the answers to my mystifying questions! You do not disappoint! Thank you so much for encouraging me always, and for accepting me in your new program. It is so very powerful and life changing, Your wisdom of taking us through all the steps and making such enormous strides through this evolutionary time is remarkable! Eternal Gratitude! Am curious of what the future will bring, and look forward every moment to its unfolding,, We are all so aware of Who you are and your Incredible Divine Gifts! Soon the whole world will know! I [We] can't wait! ! My Sincerest Gratitude to ALL for your Wonderful, Enduring Help!! I also Celebrate All your Birthdays in My Heart! Guruji, your video on facebook on your Birthday, brought us to tears! In Eternal Gratitude Always! Love & Light! Namaste Shirley H. Namaste!
Shirley H.
FROM: Canada

Fall Special Prayers FAQ’s

What do I need to do to receive these Blessings?

Remote Attendance 

You will receive all the benefits of the Remote Blessing Event that you registered for, including Fire Ceremony Blessing, Special Prayers, or Birthday Special Prayer, without any requirement from you. We will let you know the approximate start time of the event so that you can sit in quiet prayer for about 90 minutes if you would like. This dedicated time of reflection is helpful in the journey of transformation. 

What can I expect after the Blessing?

Many people report amazing levels of transformation in multiple areas of their lives after receiving a Blessing. Often the first sign that the Blessing is working is a change in the physical appearance of the face; skin may glow, eyes may be brighter or even sparkle. Many people find they begin to radiate youthful beauty, vitality and vigor. Sadness and fatigue start to disappear. After the Blessing, sleep is often deeper and more satisfying resulting in a refreshed state upon waking regardless of the amount of sleep, and there is an overall increase in energy during the waking hours.  

Many people also report greater clarity of mind and an absence of mental and emotional confusion. Some people feel more spiritually connected, positive and hopeful or experience improved intuition. Often, unexplained feelings of happiness and peace, increased self-confidence, and a sense of well-being emerges

What if I have questions?

You can call Client Services at +1 833 944 1200 or email at connect@divineconnection.com if you have any questions.

What if I decide to cancel?
If you decide this Divine Connection event is no longer for you, you can cancel your registration.  Visit our Cancellation Policy for more information.
Fall - About Special Prayers

Be a Part of a Modern Miracle

Divine Connection transforms every facet of an individual’s well-being,
enhances perception, and accelerates growth to harness true happiness.
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